
Hate cockroaches? Here are the top 5 signs of an infestation and how to prevent them

Nov 1, 2023

You know how it goes. We might see a cockroach in the kitchen during the daytime and you smash it with thongs WELL DONE, but did you know that noticing a cockroach in your house is a sign of a bigger infestation in your property!

Cockroaches are an unwelcome guests in Aussie homes, due to the high risk of causing contamination, odour and disease transmission. Cockroaches infestation can pose significant risks to your loved ones at home and to your business reputation. It is very important to be vigilant for early identification of any infestation signs to take fast action to contain cockroaches infestation. Seeing cockroaches dead and alive is a sign of a bigger problem.

Top Signs of Cockroaches infestation:-

1- Cockroaches droppings:

Dropping are the most obvious sign of infestation. Cockroach droppings can easily be identified by their ground coffee or black pepper-like appearance with less than 1mm wide and varying lengths. Unfortunately, droppings can easily overlooked as it can easily be mistaken for dirt or other debris which is one of the main reasons why a cockroach infestation can go unnoticed for a while.

2- Eggs

Noticing eggs in your house is another sign that you have bigger problem of cockroach infestation. Cockroach eggs are contained inside egg cases (known as ootheca). One egg or ootheca may contain about 12-40 eggs depending on the species concerned. Each female may produce 5-30 oothecas during their lifetime. That’s a lot of cockroaches!

3- Shedding

Cockroaches shed their skin 5-8 times throughout their lifecycle stages. Seeing a shed skin in your house is another strong indicator of cockroaches presence in your property.

4- Odour

Cockroaches rely on the power of scent to communicate with one another and they emit unpleasant smells. Homes and property infested by cockroaches have a mildewy or musty smell.

5- Smear marks & Damage

Cockroaches usually chew on household items such as food packaging and organic goods including leather and books. Cockroaches leave irregular brown smear marks where they move that can be found on horizontal surfaces, walls and floor junctions.

What’s next?

Surface chemical spray can be useful in prevention of cockroaches infestation into your house and business. There are also non-chemical methods of prevention to control cockroaches from entering your property as cockroaches living in and around buildings require food, water, and shelter, reducing the availability of resources is likely to lead to a reduction in population size.

The following practices will keep your house and business less comfortable for cockroaches

1- Hygiene and sanitation, Cleaning up after food handling should be immediate, thorough and regularly carried out. Ensures dishes and utensils should not be left unwashed overnight.

2- Water availability should be reduced where possible. Unnecessary containers with water, accumulation of water from cleaning activities, leaking taps or pipes should be repaired.

3- Food should be stored in tight cockroaches-proof containers, Cereals, flour, meats and all other food materials should be kept in refrigerator or in containers that are tightly closed.

4- It is highly recommended to inspect your groceries after shopping bags and checking the deliveries for businesses where infestation is likely to brought back into your house or business from shopping.

5- Garbage should be stored in tightly closed containers

6- Where feasible cracks and crevices that may harbour cockroaches should be sealed and filled in. Entry points e.g round pipes through floors or walls should be blocked off.

Use Insect Growth Regulators to prevent cockroach infestations

Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) can control many types of insects including fleas, cockroaches and mosquitos. IGRs use a synthetic pheromone to disrupt the lifecycle of insects in the egg and larvae state. It basically acts as a “birth control” for cockroaches and keeps cockroach populations under control by preventing reproductive development.

Remember - we’re here to help

Safe Circle Pest Control have the most efficient solutions to your pest problems. Call us on 1300 793 191 so we can help get rid of your cockroach infestation immediately.